Leavitt path algebras, Cuntz-Krieger algebras, and C^*-graph algebras

Invariant basis number.

A fundamental result in linear algebra is that all bases for a given vector space have the same cardinality. This gives rise to a well-defined notion of dimension. It is not difficult to extend this result to free modules over a commutative ring: all bases for a given free module over a commutative ring have the same cardinality. The same result holds for free modules over noetherian rings. Rings with this property are said to have invariant basis number, IBN for short.

Not all rings have IBN. Given any positive integers m and n there is a ring R such that the free left R-module having a basis of cardinality m is isomorphic to the free left R-module having a basis of cardinality n; succinctly, R^m \cong R^n.

Rings without invariant basis number.

In 1956 W.G. Leavitt published a short paper entitled Modules without invariant basis number giving examples of this phenomenon. Let F=k \langle x_1,\ldots,x_n\rangle be the free algebra on n variables over a field k. The set of all words in the letters x_1,\ldots,x_n is a k-vector-space basis for F and multiplication is given by concatenation of words. It follows from this that the left ideal {\mathfrak m}=Fx_1+\cdots+Fx_n is a free left F-module with basis x_1,\ldots,x_n. There is an exact sequence 0 \to F^n \to F \to k=F/{\mathfrak m} \to 0 of left F-modules in which the first map is (a_1,\ldots,a_n) \mapsto a_1x_1+\cdots+a_nx_n. I prefer to write this map as right multiplication by the column vector

X:=\begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ \vdots \\ x_n \end{pmatrix}.

To get Leavitt’s example, we introduce new variables y_1,\ldots,y_n and form the  ring F \langle y_1,\ldots,y_n \rangle modulo the relations:

X\cdot(y_1,\ldots,y_n)=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & \ldots & 0 \\ \vdots && & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \ldots & 1\end{pmatrix} \phantom{xx}  and \phantom{xx} (y_1,\ldots,y_n)X=1.

Call this new ring R. The map R^n \stackrel{\cdot X}{\longrightarrow} R has inverse given by a \mapsto (ay_1,\ldots,ay_n), which shows that R^n \cong R as left R-modules.

Universal localization.

The construction of R from F is an instance of a general procedure that goes by the name of universal localization. I learned about this from Aidan Schofield’s book Representations of rings over skew fields. The idea is this. Given a ring S and a collection of maps \Sigma between finitely generated projective left S-modules, there is a ring S_\Sigma and a homomorphism f :S \to S_\Sigma with the property that S_\Sigma \otimes \sigma is an isomorphism for all \sigma \in \Sigma and f :S \to S_\Sigma is universal with respect to this property: if g:S \to T is a ring homomorphism such that T \otimes \sigma is an isomorphism for all \sigma \in \Sigma, then g=hf for a unique hmomorphism h:S_\Sigma \to T. The ring S_\Sigma is called the universal localization of S at \Sigma.

In Leavitt’s example, R is the universal localization of F at \Sigma=\{\cdot X\}. The notion of universal localization didn’t emerge until long after Leavitt’s paper but, to me, it is the right context in which to understand Leavitt’s example.

The relations in the localization R.

In preparation for what is to follow I will present R in a slightly different way. First, I will write x_i^*=y_i so R is generated by x_1,\ldots,x_n and x_1^*,\ldots, x_n^*. The relations defining R are x_ix_i^*=1, x_ix_j^*=0 if i \ne j, and x_1^*x_1+\cdots +x_n^*x_n=1.

If I had worked with right modules instead of left modules, i.e., if I had written the kernel of the map F \to F/{\mathfrak m} as x_1F+\cdots+x_nF \to F,  the resulting universal localization would have been generated by x_1,\ldots,x_n and x_1^*,\ldots, x_n^* subject to the relations x_i^*x_i=1, x_i^*x_j=0 if i \ne j, and x_1x_1^*+\cdots +x_nx_n^*=1. Let’s call this ring R'.

The Cuntz algebras {\mathcal O}_n

In 1977, Joachim Cuntz published Simple C*-Algebras Generated by Isometries. The abstract reads as follows:

We consider the C*-algebra {\mathcal O}_n generated by n \ge 2 isometries S_1,\ldots, S_n on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, with the property that S_1S_1^*+\cdots + S_nS_n^*=1. It turns out that {\mathcal O}_n has the structure of a crossed product of a finite simple C*-algebra {\mathcal F} by a single endomorphism scaling the trace of {\mathcal F} by 1/n. Thus, {\mathcal O}_n is a separable C*-algebra sharing many of the properties of a factor of type III_\lambda with \lambda=1/n. As a consequence we show that {\mathcal O}_n is simple and that its isomorphism type does not depend on the choice of S_1,\ldots,S_n.

An element p in a C^*-algebra is a projection if p^2=p=p^*. An element S in a C^*-algebra is a partial isometry if S=SS^*S. If S is a partial isometry, then SS^* and S^*S are projections. Cuntz is studying the universal C^*-algebra generated by the S_is so that a full set of relations is given by S_1S_1^*+\cdots + S_nS_n^*=1 and the relations S_i^*S_i=1 and the range projections p_i=S_iS_i^* are pairwise orthogonal. The orthogonality condition is equivalent to the condition S_i^*S_j=0 if i \ne j.

There is an algebra homomorphism R' \to {\mathcal O}_n and the image is a dense subalgebra. For many years I did not understand why Cuntz adopted these relations. Now, through the lens of universal localization, the relations seem natural to me.

The introduction to Cuntz’s paper is easy reading and explains why {\mathcal O}_n is of such interest. The {\mathcal O}_ns settled a number of open problems and exhibited a range of new phenomena. Nevertheless they are relatively easy to work with. Among their important properties is their ubiquity: every simple infinite C^*-algebra contains a subalgebra that has {\mathcal O}_n as a quotient.

The algebras {\mathcal O}_n are themselves simple rings in a very strong way: given a non-zero element x \in {\mathcal O}_n, there are elements a,b \in {\mathcal O}_n such that axb=1. Leavitt had already shown that his algebra R is simple.

Another nice property is that there are, cleverly constructed, inclusions {\mathcal O}_2 \supset {\mathcal O}_3 \supset \cdots. This might not be surprising if you already know there are inclusions F_2 \supset F_3 \supset \cdots where F_n denotes the free algebra on n variables.

The Cuntz algebras are pairwise non-isomorphic because K_0({\mathcal O}_n) \cong {\mathbb Z}/(n-1).

The path algebra of a quiver

For certain people it is natural when considering some aspect of a free algebra to ask if a similar behavior is exhibited by the path algebra of an arbitrary quiver. The free algebra on n variables is itself a path algebra, the path algebra of the quiver having a single vertex and a n arrows from that vertex to itself. A basis for the path algebra is given by all finite paths in that directed graph.

The free algebra on n variables has an alternative description as the tensor algebra over the field k of an n-dimensional vector space, k\langle x_1,\ldots,x_n \rangle \cong k \oplus V \oplus V^{\otimes 2} \oplus \cdots if dim(V)=n. Path algebras of quivers are also tensor algebras.

Let Q be a finite directed graph, or quiver. Parallel arrows and loops are allowed. The path algebra of Q over a field k, denoted kQ, is the vector space with basis the set of finite paths in Q, including the trivial or lazy paths at each vertex, and multiplication given by concatenation of paths, or zero if the two paths do not concatenate. One now has a difficult decision to make: if a and b are arrows with a ending where b begins should one denote the path “first traverse a then traverse b by ab or ba? The virtue of ab is that one reads from left to right. The virtue of ba is that if we wish to assign vector spaces to vertices and linear maps to arrows the convention for composition of functions is that ba means first do a, then do b. The most popular convention amongst those working on Leavitt path algebras is to write ab. The most popular convention among those working on representation theory of quivers is ba!

Here we adopt the convention that ab means “first traverse a then traverse b”. If the end of a is not the start of b we define ab=0 in kQ. In this way kQ becomes an associative ring.

I will often use the letters i and j denote vertices and will write e_i for the trivial, or lazy, or “do nothing”, path at i. Doing nothing twice is the same as doing nothing once, so e_ie_i=e_i, i.e., e_i is an idempotent. Furthermore, if a is an arrow from i to j, then e_iae_j=a. It follows that the sum of all the e_is is the identity element in kQ.

As I said above, kQ can be described as a tensor algebra. Let S denote the  linear span of the e_is and write B for the linear span of the arrows. Then B is an S-bimodule and kQ \cong T_S(B)=S \oplus B \oplus (B \otimes_S B) \oplus \cdots, the tensor algebra of B over S.

It is convenient to introduce the notation s(p) for the vertex that is the start of a path p and t(p) for the vertex where p ends.

Leavitt path algebras

To form the Leavitt path algebra L(Q) we first form \overline{Q}, the double of Q: \overline{Q} has the same vertices as Q and for each arrow a  we introduce a new arrow a^*, the ghost of a, in the opposite direction, i.e., a^* starts where a ends and ends where a starts; thus, if a= e_iae_j, then a^*=e_ja^*e_i.

We define L(Q) to be the path algebra k {\overline Q} modulo the relations a^*a=e_{t(a)}, a^*b=0 if a \ne b for all arrows a and b, and \sum_{a \in s^{-1}(i)} aa^*=e_i for each vertex i at which some arrow ends.

Leavitt path algebras have been intensively studied since they were introduced around 2005.

C^*-graph algebras

Cuntz and Krieger had already introduced the C^*-algebra analogue of Leavitt path algebras in 1980. Let A be an n \times n matrix with entries in \{0,1\}. The Cuntz-Krieger algebra {\mathcal O}_A is the universal C^*-algebra generated by partial isometries s_1,\ldots,s_n subject to the relations s_i^*s_i=\sum_{j=1}^n A_{ij} s_js_j^* and (s_is_i^*)(s_js_j^*)=0 for all i \ne j. Of course, A is the incidence matrix of a directed graph Q, and in that case L(Q) is a dense subalgebra of {\mathcal O}_A. If A_{ij}=1 for all i and j, then {\mathcal O}_A \cong {\mathcal O}_n.

In 1998, the paper Cuntz-Krieger algebras of directed graphs by Kumjian, Pask, and Raeburn, extended the definition of Cuntz-Krieger algebras to arbitrary directed graphs. If Q is the directed graph, they write C^*(Q) for the universal C^*-algebra generated by mutually orthogonal projections p_i, one for each vertex $i$, and partial isometries a, one for each arrow, subject to the relations

a^*a = p_{t(a)} \phantom{xx} and p_i=\sum_{a \in s^{-1}(i)} aa^*.

Raeburn’s 2005 CBMS lectures Graph Algebras gives a comprehensive account of the subject up to 2005. The document Graph algebras: bridging the gap between analysis and algebra  is a useful introduction to graph algebras and Leavitt path algebras that is aimed at algebraists.

I have restricted my discussion to finite directed graphs but almost everything I have said extends in a reasonable way to arbitrary directed graphs.

Why am I talking about this?

I’m in Banff attending the meeting Linking representation theory, singularity theory and non-commutative algebraic geometry. I’m eager to hear Xiao-Wu Chen’s talk today on his paper Irreducible representations of Leavitt path algebras. I have been reading it this week. My interest arises from my paper Category equivalences involving graded modules over path algebras of quivers, where I show that a certain quotient category, QGr(kQ), of the category of graded modules over the path algebra of a quiver (directed graph) Q having a finite number of vertices and arrows is equivalent to the category of graded modules over the Leavitt path algebra L(Q^\circ) associated to the quiver Q^\circ that is obtained by successively removing all sinks and sources from Q.

About e6e7e8f4

I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington, Seattle. I am interested in non-commutative algebra and geometry. The adjective ``non-commutative'' can be applied to both nouns, or not.
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